Release Notes
Bugfix: The Companies section in the CRM app not loading is fixed.
New features:
Context configuration is added
When exporting to a file, fields of type List (single/multiple) and Directory type will be exported.
The issue with the Transactions tab not displaying on the Company card is fixed.
The instability with filling out company information based on contacts in custom fields is fixed.
Values in section fields not updating automatically is fixed.
New features:
CRM Property field is added
Contact field autopopulating on "Set contact by Reporter" rule is fixed.
JQL attribute: availability for non-admins on entity’s card is fixed.
New features:
Web-section: possibility to create a new contact in section is added.
Web-section: Income&Expenses hiding option is added.
TextArea (5000 symbols) attribute support is added.
Jira user syncing: performance improvements.
New attribute: JQL type of attribute is available for Companies and Contacts directories.
New directory: meet Income & Expenses to store and work on all your transaction flows in one place.
CRM web-section in the issue view is moved to the left side.
Performance improvements (Companies and Contacts directories loading).
New features:
Custom Directories now supported as independent full-fledged dictionaries.
New attributes: List (single choice) and List (multiple choices) are available (filtering on a grid is supported).
Minor improvement: Templates are renamed for Layouts.
Minor improvement: icon update.
Table's custom directory type improvements:
Table's template can be configured directly in the creation window.
A new or existed table's record can be created, added and removed right from a company or contact card view.
Table's content can be viewed and edited right in the web-section in the issue view.
Major Custom directories improvements:
Lists and Tables now are separated into two independent Main menu sections.
Lists (single and multiselect) can be shown up on Companies/ Contacts grid.
Tables can be viewed from an issue's web section via link.
Bug fix: "Add record" window behavior for Tables custom directories on a Company/Contact card is fixed.
New major features:
Export data from the Companies and Contacts directories to a CSV file:

Easily import your data from CSV file to fullfill the directories using our master import:

Directories: сonfirmation window appearance for Delete action is fixed.
Directories: data filter results now included both start and end dates.
Directories: simultaneous deleteon of large number of rows is fixed.
Performance was significantly improved.
More than 1000 users/customers can now be synchronized with CRM contacts.
Pop-up notification upon CRM entries deletion now displays linked objects and issues.
Minor improvements
The "Add another" checkbox to create several entries in a row
Minor improvements
Handy filters are now available for Compaines and Contacts.

New custom field + section field: Contact information can now be displayed in issues.

Cascade CRM info auto-populating is available:

A company entry can be created directly from an issue.
One contact can now be included in several companies
Changes in the logic of company auto-populating in issues ("by Reporter" mode):
if there is a company associated with the reporter, the Company field will be auto-populated
if there are 0 or 2+ companies associated with the reporter, the Company field will not be auto-populated (selecting a company manually will link it with the Reporter)
An extra parameter (i.e. domain) can be displayed along with the Company name in the Company select list in the issue section.

Background users/customers to contacts synchronization was added.
Minor improvements.
Bulk deletion for entries is now available.
A direct link for an entry is now available:

CRM section performance improvement. The "Linked Issues" attribute now stores data instead of calculating.
"Issue Group Statistics" gadget minor improvements.
Improved connection security
HSTS included
TLS version 1.2 is now used
Improvements in CRM section in issue:
Now it is possible to open a Company card directly in the CRM issue section.
The company field value can be cleared in the case when field autocomplete is disabled.
Minor UI improvements.
A new attribute type Linked Issues that displays issues linked o the particular company. The attribute allows navigating quickly to those issues.
A new dashboard gadget to display various sales statistics.
Availability to add values in a "List field" during the creation of new records in directories.
Manual link issues to a Company.
Sync values in company directory with "Company" custom field.
Bug fixes.
Availability to create links between directories.
Sync between Custom company field and company catalog.
Availability to rename the company's value and Custom directory names.
Improvements in the search in a companies catalog.
Bug fixes.
New field types: List and Table list.
Bug fixes.
With the new fields, you can gather information about your Companies and customers in a more structured way.
You can classify roles, segments, etc.
Additionally, you can add more complex information in the form of a table: deliverables, software versions, etc.
IU improvements.
Bug fixes.
New field types.
IU improvements.
Bug fixes.
New field types
We added new popular field types such as:

New UI
SETTINGS (Admin menu)
We've unified configuration of Companies and Contacts on the one Tab.

We've updated UI of Companies and Contacts view. Now you can enjoy a new fresh look.