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Universal Directories permissions are mutual for the Directories Section and the Directories Select custom field(s). They are located in the Jira Administration →  Directories section and include the following parameters:

  • Browse Directories – allows users to access the Directories Section and browse the directories. This permission also allows users to browse the universal directory entries linked through the Directories Select custom field. ⚠ This permission is basic and should be granted to all users with any of the other permission.

  • Edit Entries – allows users to edit the universal directory entries directly in the Directories Section and through the Directories Select custom field.

  • Add entries – allows users to add new entries to directories directly in the Directories Section and through the Directories Select custom field.

  • Delete Entries – allows users to delete the entries from the Directories Section directories.

  • Export – allows users to export the list of the selected directory entries from the Directories Section.

  • Import – allows users to import the list of the selected directory entries to the Directories Section.

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