Synchronization With Service Desk Organizations
You can set up synchronization of the CRM companies with organizations of one Sevice Desk project. If CRM Contacts to Jira users synchronization is enabled, then contact will also be synchronized.
The following options are available:
Automatical creation of organizations on the CRM companies creation (⚠ the reverse option is not available as the Service Desk organization creation does not fire an event that can be caught).
Manual update of the CRM companies according to the existing Service Desk project organizations.
Manual update of the Service Desk project organizations according to the existing CRM companies.
Note that you need to set up the Jira user for CRM operations with tasks to perform the companies import from/export to Service Desk.

Navigate to CRM Administration → Integrations → CRM companies and Service Desk Organizations.
Check the Add a new Service Desk Organization by a new CRM company creation automatically checkbox and select a Service Desk project. All CRM companies created after applying of this setting will cause the automatic creation of the organizations in the selected project. If you already have a list of CRM companies or Service Desk organizations you can synchronize them manually in any direction.
Note that if SD Organization was deleted it will not be added to that list again during the synchronization export process.