Release Notes
Latest (1.14.19)
Companies and Products directories names can now be customised.
Textarea attribute is supported now for Custom directories and Table lists.
"Delete all records" feature is deprecated.
JSM integration: bug related to an Organization created upon Company's creation is fixed.
Export: "Not defined" entry added to a Company's name during export is fixed.
CRM related CVE is fixed.
All Versions
Companies: a quick search of companies is now available – SHIFT+C

API: List of values attribute options' IDs are now shown in the interface.

Fixed Bugs
JQL-queries: JQL Reporter in CurrentUserHolding() bug was fixed
Export/Import: Textarea export with semi-colon included in the field value was corrected.
Directory Attributes: The Table List attribute value bug was eliminated.
Fixed Bugs
Companies, Contacts: the Date attribute filter bug was fixed – the column for this type of attribute now displays the attribute name.
CRM custom fields: the CRM Products & Services field bug was fixed
Export: a bug with exporting of username was fixed
Worklogs Report: filtering by Epic now shows sub-tasks of the epic issues as well
Post-functions: CRM Setup CRM company custom field value post-function bug was fixed
Companies, Contacts, Custom directories: the 'edit' permission is not required anymore for filtering by the JQL attribute
The 'Website' attribute minor improvement
Fixed Bugs
Value of "CRM Multiple Custom Directory" field can be edited on the view issue screen now.
Transactions: the 'Company' filters bug was fixed
Transactions: date fields were aligned with the global date format
CRM doesn't affect Look&Feel section in Jira administration anymore.
Values of "Related projects" fields in Companies directory are clickable now.
Companies quick search (Shift + C) works more flexible now.
"CRM custom directory" field's values search was improved.
Options of "List of values" fields can be renamed and sorted manually in CRM administration now.
Status Names in Transactions administration section are in English by default now.
Fixed Bugs
Custom Directories: bug with adding new entries after directory renaming was fixed.
Products: "Show decimal place" property was restored for the Number attribute type in the Products directory.
Fixed Bug
CRM Contacts: a service-desk user and any Jira user can only browse their CRM-profiles if they have a Contact Card View permission.
Fixed Bug
Bug with plugin security issue was fixed.
Fixed Bugs
Bug with list of available directories in "CRM Named Select Custom directory" field was fixed.
Bug with "By default" property of Checkbox field type not being saved was fixed.
Bug with saving options in "List of values" field type was fixed.
Bug with incorrect value displaying in "CRM Custom directory" field after issue creation was fixed.
CRM Contact fields autocomplete was fixed for issues created by mail handler.
CRM post functions: non-working "Cloning Issue" post function was removed. NOTE: please remove this post function from workflow if you've added it before (to prevent errors during workflow operation).
Bug with "JQL condition" property in JQL fields in CRM directories getting empty after Properties saving was fixed.
Now only Select List (single choice) fields are available in "Custom fields links" -> "Custom fields" setting in CRM administration
Jira 8.12 compatibility was added.
CRM Custom directory field: the number of visible option in the field was increased to 50.
Worklog report: column "Comment" was added and displays comment added while work logging.
CRM administration -> Integrations: "Export to Service Desk conditions" setting was removed.
Compatibility with TM4J plugin was added
Fixed Bugs
Problem with deleting records from Budget directory was resolved.
Problem with saving changes in Contact's card was resolved.
Ability to create issues from Company card was fixed.
Options Income, Expense and Any are available for choosing in Direction field in Budgets directory now.
Issues search in "CRM Related list of issues by JQL" custom field was fixed.
"Edit products and services" permission is not required anymore to view product information in directory.
Companies which are being created in "CRM Companies select field" now will be automatically synchronized with "CRM Company" field values (and vice versa).
"Import" function was removed from Custom company directories.
Minor visual improvements.
Fixed Bugs
Bug with incorrect option's dependency of CRM custom directory field from field in "Custom directory source" setting was fixed.
Bug with Transactions displaying in Company card if any transaction's field contains "#" symbol was fix.
Email validation in CRM Property field was removed.
Direct mail: "Check the email exist" was added to the settings. If unchecked, only email format is being validated without checking the existence of the email.
Fixed Bugs
Bug with ability to filter records in "Transactions" field type in Companies directory was fixed.
Bug with incorrect value of CRM Company field displaying in Issue Navigator was fixed.
Bug with CRM Company field not displaying on issue view screen if it has no value was fixed.
Bug with ability to remove records from Budgets directory without "Remove budget" permission was fixed.
Quick search of Companies (Shift+C hotkey) is available only for users with "Company card view" permission now.
transactionsList API function now can filter records by client (use clientVal parameter)
Compatibility with Jira 8.16 was added.
Fixed Bugs
Contacts synchronization: bug with new contacts duplicate when "Jira User" field is marked as "is title" was fixed.
CRM doesn't interfere Jira "Look and Feel" configuration anymore.
CRM custom directory field: bug with field values being depended on Company field even if "Custom directory source" is disabled was fixed.
Fixed Bugs
Ability to create issue from Company card opened with hotkey (Shift+C) was added. Please notice, feature doesn't work in Jira administration sections.
List of values field: bug when renamed option is displaying with old name in Company grid was fixed.
Transaction directory: directory field search was fixed for the case when there are more than 200 hundred records.
Company card: "Remove from organization" button in People field is now available only for users who have both "Edit companies" and "Edit contacts" permissions.
"Restrict duplicates" option of company field in Contacts directory doesn't interrupt contact's card saving anymore.
CRM Products & Services field: changing product name through issue field doesn't create new value anymore, but updates an existing one.
Company autocomplete: now company field value is getting empty if it has autocomplete setting and contact/assignee field value is being cleared.
Transaction field events now working and can be used in scripts/automation rules.
Fixed Bugs
Bug when changes in Transaction field changes description of the issue was fixed.
"CRM Transactions" gadget was fixed.
Sorting by created and updated columns in Companies and Contacts directories was fixed.
"searchEntities" API call now also works with Custom company directories.
"Contacts field" was removed from CRM Company field settings.
Bug when entries can be removed in Custom company directory without "Remove" permission was fixed.
Minor UI improvements.
Transactions: «Can edit in this status» feature work is fixed.
CRM Custom Directory field: displaying in Confluence macro is fixed.
Worklogs Report: From and To dates displaying for Interval filter is fixed.
CRM Property field: options autocompleteon according to the relevant Company/ Contact fields is fixed.
The functionality of the "Reset Data" function was improved to support Oracle DB.
Ability to find options for Directory attribute on Company’s card is fixed.
Direct Mail feature work is fixed.
CSV import work is fixed.
Added compatibility with Jira 9.0 and 9.1
CVE-2022-22965 vulnerability is fixed
Directories' filter results export is improved.
"Contacts CRM" field type work on the Edit issue screen is fixed.
Saved filters work (Companies directory only) is fixed.
Importing data from CSV file into Companies and Contacts directories is fixed.
"CRM Transactions" and "CRM Products & Services" fields displaying on the issue screens is fixed.
Jira 9.5 compatibility is added.
CRM Multiple Custom Directory: filtering feature is fixed.
CRM Companies select field: behavior on the Edit issue screen is fixed.
CRM Custom directory field: behavior after changes on the Edit issue screen is fixed.
CRM Company and CRM Contact: changes made on the configuration screen are being properly applied.
API requests security fix.
Jira 9.8 compatibility.
API requests security fix.
High loading time fix.
Companies and Products directories names can now be customised.
Textarea attribute is supported now for Custom directories and Table lists.
"Delete all records" feature is deprecated.
JSM integration: bug related to an Organization created upon Company's creation is fixed.
Export: "Not defined" entry added to a Company's name during export is fixed.
CRM related CVE is fixed.
Post-functions: a new post-function CRM Change linked transactions' statuses.
Post-functions: a new post-function CRM Attribute to Jira Field.
Worklog Reports: epic names now contain links to the relevant epics.
Post-functions: Jira field to CRM attribute now allows passing several simultaneous entries.
Fixed Bugs
API: bug with the company name being removed as the result of "editcompany" request with the "checkbox=true" parameters was eliminated
Minor bugfixes
Anonymized users will be anonymized as CRM contacts as well if synchronization is enabled.
Companies: You can now create an issue from a CRM Company card.
Products: permission to add products and permission to add order entry in the list of issue orders were divided.
Worklog Report: A new filter – Epic – was added to display the issues included in particular Epic.
CRM Related list of issues by JQL: a new function has been added to the custom field – CURRENT_ISSUE_FIX_VERSIONS.
Custom fields list sorting was improved taking into account special symbols.
Fixed Bugs
Contacts: Jira users to CRM contact synchronization was fixed for the cases of the username change.
Contacts: bug with several CRM Contact fields unwanted synchronization was fixed.
Companies: duplicative rules creation for company autocomplete settings section was restricted.
Companies: CRM search bug for companies created by API was fixed.
The CRM Property field working on transitions was fixed.
Fixed Bugs
Companies: Company auto-populating bug (when the Reporter being changed on a workflow transition screen) was fixed.
Companies: The Companies directory filtering and sorting bug was fixed.
Contacts: Auto-populated CRM Contact field behavior in sub-tasks was fixed.
Custom fields: the Related issues by JQL field now support ORDER BY function in settings.
CRM security levels: CRM security level by an assignee company was improved regarding those assignees who are not included in any company.
Direct Mail: the error notification will be shown if the email hasn't been sent.
'Default groups for new users' setting will now work regardless of 'Jira groups which users...' setting.
Links are correctly displayed now in CRM custom fields' descriptions.
Ability to add particular Jira users from the CRM company attribute to the issue field of User(s) Picker type.
The CRM entry title is now one-click clickable (the whole entry is clickable as usual by double click).
The new function was added to the configuration options of the CRM Multi Select Related list of issues by JQL custom field.
CRM Transactions field now supports the contexts. Specify which fields you want to display as columns in each context.
The List of values attribute configuration was optimized for all directories.
Fixed Bugs
java.lang.NullPointerException while issue cloning was fixed.
CRM Company renaming now renames the synchronized SD organization, not creates the new one.
CRM Multiple Custom Directory custom field: entries localization was fixed for the issue edit screens.
Worklogs Report: Date filter parsing was improved considering localization
CRM contact options have been made visible on the edit screens.
Directory attribute that is not connected to a custom directory doesn't allow to select an option anymore.
The Order details edit permission functionality was fixed.
Minor bugfixes.
New custom field added – CRM Multi-Select Related list of issues by JQL.
Quick call option added to the Phone attribute
The Multi Directory Items attribute type is now available for the CRM custom directories
A new option that activates auto-sorting of the options in the CRM custom fields was added.
Note that auto-sorting to be performed as a background process and can significantly increase processor utilization in case you have too many field options.
The new operator OR is now available in the CRM companies filter.
Products Report now provides information about the sum of Amount values for the current filter.
Ability to specify the default value for the list of values attribute was added.
The list of options in the CRM custom fields to be updated automatically
The 'unclickable' link to the CRM entry is hidden for the users with no access to the entry
The ability to split permissions (access & browse) for the CRM Custom Directories added
to smooth the update, the browse permission entry for the custom directories will take the values from the access permissions entry
Fixed Bugs
Custom fields with a selection from a CRM director now auto-updates their options when an entry has been created within CRM.
The 'Show in CRM name' option now shows the additional values (in case of having several ones) in the same order for all entries.
Minor bugfixes.
Fixed Bugs
java.lang.NullPointerException bug caused by the CRM app was fixed (Automation app incompatibility was overcome)
A parent company selection is now limited by the list of companies excluding the current one and its child ones
CRM custom fields' names now to be displayed according to the current user profile language
The Turn on optimization mode checkbox now stops CRP Property fields' values auto-populating
The "create a problem from comments" feature was excludes. This feature is now available in the Help Desk for Jira app.
Fixed Bugs
Сorrect operation of the export
Bug with products
Minor bugfixes
New features
The CRM Property custom field appearance is now read-only
Saving the mandatory field filled with space(s) only is now restricted
If the CRM contacts to Jira users sync is enabled, a CRM contact to be auto-deleted when the Jira user is deleted
Date field filter for the Transactions attribute is now more convenient
While deleting an entry from CRM Custom Directory the related entries are shown
Fixed Bugs
The notification sending on a transaction status change is fixed
The CRM Directory custom field values search is fixed
The issue type field displaying within JQL CRM attribute is fixed
The issue key link activeness is fixed
The transaction search is fixed
Compatibility release.
New Feature
Fixed Bugs
The creation of a new company from the CRM Company field (in case of displaying an extra company attribute in the title) is fixed.
Contact to Company auto-linking for the new entries created from the CRM Contact custom field is fixed.
The Copy custom field value to CRM post-function attributes correspondence check is improved.
Minor bugfixes.
The CRM Custom Company field is now clickable (the linked custom company entry can be viewed within an issue)
The CRM User Issues was renamed to CRM Related list of issues by JQL and now supports more custom queries – CURRENT_ISSUE_COMPANY, CURRENT_ISSUE_KEY
Sorting and filtering in the CRM attribute of "Products" type was fixed and improved
No more confirmation pop-ups while switching from the CRM directory where a filter has been used.
CRM Company field now supports different contexts.
The feedback icon in the CRM administration section was replaced with a more suitable.
The link to the app documentation in the CRM administration section was updated.
Fixed Bugs
Company to contact auto-linking was fixed for the following case: a new contact has been created in a CRM contact field relevant to the CRM company field during issue creation.
Migration of the values to the CRM Multiple Custom Directory type fields was fixed: all values are now being copied, not the only one.
Transactions filtering by plan/fact field was fixed.
CRM Company field operator "=" searches for companies where the value of the specified field exactly matches the specified value.
Service Desk Organizations to CRM Companies export functionality was fixed.
CRM permissions entries saving was fixed.
Bug with CRM entry creation by each Save button pushing was fixed.
Duplicates restriction functionality was fixed for a CRM attribute been selected as a title.
Adding new values in the CRM Multiple Custom Directory custom field was fixed.
Minor bug fixes & UI fixes.
Known Issues Revealed
Problem: Cannot find the uppercase non-Latin letters
Data Center compatible.