CRM Worklog Report
This section allows users who have the relevant permissions to browse the cumulative list of work logs for issues for a time period.
The time period specifying is mandatory (the current month is selected by default) and the following predefined filters are available:
User – a user who logged work
Company – a CRM Company selected in the field of CRM Company type for an issue.
Epic – an issue of the Epic type (to filter by Epic Link)
⚠️ Note that sub-tasks are also included in the filter results while filtering by an Epic.Issue – a particular issue
Select an interval and additional filters and click Get Report.

Works Cost
If the user hourly rates are set up by Jira Administrator, you will see the cost of the particular works and their sum within the report. In case of zeros in the colum, ask your Jira Administrator to check the settings (overall or for the particular user).

Use Cases
Time spent on issues of a particular customer and the internal cost of these works.
Time spent on feature development.
Timesheets submission of a part-time worker for a period of time.