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Release Notes

  • Security improvements

New feature:

  • User permissions check improvements related to calendar loading.

  • Security improvements.

  • Minor improvement: icon update.

  • Layout settings: Issue card's and preview's displaying is fixed.

  • Card colors: JQL tips no longer interfere with the color palette display.


  • Sharing calendars functionality improvements ("Owner" type of role is added).

  • Layout: Issue card and Issue preview lists do not include anymore fields that are not available for displaying.

  • Calendars' list: deletion, duplication and wrong name appearing for available calendars in users' list are fixed.

  • Layout: Issue card and Issue preview lists do not include anymore fields that are not available for displaying.

  • Calendars' list: deletion, duplication and wrong name appearing for available calendars in user's list are fixed.

  • Events, reminders and Google events are being hidden when quick filter is applied.

  • Ability to set up 30 min lasting issue on Timeline Week is added. Minor visual improvements.

  • "Add" button on Card Colors and Quick Filters sections is highlighted.

  • Minor visual improvements.

New preview design and its default settings.

⭐ The following information is always displayed per issue, regardless of the issue preview settings:

  • Issue type

  • Key

  • Summary

  • The fields the calendar is based on

⭐ Available actions are grouped into the handy menu.

Embedded dates are available to base a calendar on. Those dates are preset in any project type in the special calendar section:

  • The underlying library was updated to the latest version.

  • The resolved issues are now hidden from the Unplanned Issues menu by default.

  • The Edit Issues project permission will be respected during planning.

  • The Due Date system field is now available to base a calendar on. The Schedule Issue project permissions will be respected during planning.

Fixed Bugs:

  • The 1:00 PM option is unavailable in the Show Time setting.

  • An error when trying to create a calendar while there are no saved filters in Jira.

  • Issues put on the last day of the month are stretched for 30 days.

  • Broken issue links in the List Week view.

  • Unable to clear the filter by the assignee for unplanned issues.

  • A JQL-query error in card color scheme entry leads to disabling card coloring.

  • Infinite Calendar page loading in case of lack of the Reminder app permissions.

  • Ability to select the same field as Start and Finish that leads to planning mistakes.

  • Sent reminders displaying on the calendar.

  • The End Date Field value cannot be cleared.

  • Issue planned for the first calendar cell is not displayed.

  • The app creates custom fields.

  • Timeline Month displaying problem with enabled google calendar integration.

  • Dragging issues within the all-day area puts them to the hourly grid.

Color schemes were improved and the relevant settings were simplified:

  • text color for all entities is set by default and not required to be selected manually

  • card colors were updated:

  • unplanned issues have the default color

  • the current day indicator was changed

take a peek

  • Reminders and Google events minor visual improvements

  • The bug with color settings applied from the last to the first was fixed

  • The color settings now allow prioritization

take a peek

  • Single-date calendars are now available

  • For calendars based on dates, the finish date now displayed as included (i. e. the issues with dates May 3th to May 4th will be displayed as a two-day event in a calendar)

  • The app now doesn't create custom fields

  • Minor improvements

  • Improved connection security

    • HSTS included

    • TLS version 1.2 is now used

  • Fixed XSS vulnerability

Bug with issue start/end dates incorrectly changing after issue expansion was fixed.

  • Month view: bug with issues moving to incorrect dates after page refresh was fixed.

  • Bug with endless page loading after the only one calendar has been deleted was fixed.

  • Assignee filter clear in "Unplanned issues" section was fixed.

  • Bug with Calendar view is updated to default one after choosing quick filter was fixed.

  • Assignee column in timeline views now contains only assignees who have issues in chosen period.

  • List of assignees in assignee filter now displays only those users who have issues in chosen calendar period.

  • List of all available options of fields added in JQL based settings was added.

  • User access token expiration while Calendar using was fixed.

  • Bug with assignees duplicating in timeline views was fixed.

  • Bug with "Description" field display in "Issue card" and "Issue preview" was fixed.

  • Name of shared calendar is now changing for all users who have access to the calendar if one was renamed.

  • Recurring non-Jira events. Now you can schedule non-Jira events on a regular base. 

  • Pre-configured filters with resources (assignees) for calendar events.

  • You can display more custom fields on events cards. 

  • Permission scheme for calendars. Since implementation creator and admin would have permissions to customize calendars. Also, the creator could share permissions.

  • Gadget for a dashboard.

  • Ability to configure issues card.

  • Custom Start and Finish dates for the calendar events.

  • Onboarding for new users.

You can drag-and-drop all unscheduled tasks on the calendar area and schedule them. 


New UI and UX.

  1. Pre-configured hidden days. Now you can hide weekends just by one click.

  2. All view-models are available.

  3. Add calendar button moved to a calendar drop-down section on the left-hand side.

  4. Non-Jira events are available by default.

Resource planning in the timeline view.


  1. Group filter.

  2. Manual settings for setting up hidden days.

  1. Assessment Calendar for Jira Cloud. Please help us to improve our App - Calendar for Jira Cloud. We started our way of improvements and highly desirable to collect your feedback to help us to make our app better for you.

  2. Google Calendar integration. Now you can track all your activities in one place. We delivered Google Calendar integration.


New way to customize cards colors.


Non-Jira events

You can add non-Jira events to your plan, this feature allows you to be on track with all of your plans in one place.

List view

Now you can see you plan in a new way

To set-up just add new view in the layout settings Calendar - ⚙️ Edit - Layout

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