User Section
Find your calendars in Apps → Calendar section.

Here you can browse available calendars, create your own, set them up, and share them with coworkers.
Each calendar is a scope of issues and other events displayed as a specific view based on dates. The calendar section allows you to create your own calendars, use shared ones and switch between them.
Here is an example of the calendar with the main elements of control being marked (left to right):
current calendar name and calendars switcher
current calendar settings
view mode

Any Jira user can create a number of calendars. By default, a new calendar is private, but the owner can share it with groups of users. There are two options:
sharing in view mode – users will be able to use calendar but will not have access to settings
sharing in edit mode – users will be able also to access settings and also to delete the calendar
Read more: Sharing Calendars
Calendar Content
Each calendar displays issues with defined timeframes (at least start). In the calendar settings, you can filter the issues to be displayed – by project, a saved filter, or a custom jql-query.
There are two zones in a calendar:
planned issues
unplanned issues
The issues that comply with the calendar scope but have their timeframes undefined are stored in the Unplanned Issues section. Use drag-and-drop to put those issues on the calendar.
Read more: Main Settings: Calendar Scope & Layout
Along with putting issues from the Unplanned section to the calendar grid, you can use other planning methods such as:
add a new issue directly from the calendar
put the existing issue on a particular calendar place via search
drag-and-drop an issue or stretch the issue timeframes within the calendar
drop the dates by removing an issue from the calendar
Read more: Planning
Filtering and Coloring
Additional calendar settings allow to dynamically filter issues within a calendar and display them in different colors according to the jql-conditions.
Read more: Card Colors