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Realease notes & Roadmap

Will be added in future releases:

  • Quick reminders improvements WAITING FOR START

  • Automated reminders

  • In-app notifications

  • Jira Mobile compatibility

  • Localization: Russian, German

  • Integrations with messengers

Release notes

  • Security improvements.


The reminder creation window displaying as empty is fixed.

The scheduling logic for reminders has been updated to prevent deleted reminders from continuing to be sent.


Epic link deprecation related issue is fixed.

Reminders that keep coming after deletion will no longer be sent.

Bugfixes and minor improvements

Feature added: Private reminders.

  • Performance issue caused by "child issues' rems" functionality is fixed.

  • Security improvements.


"Epic Link" field related issue interrupting Reminder section work is fixed.

New feature

  •  Child issues' rems option allows you to create several reminders for different child issues at once.

  • Tonight and In a month quick filters' buttons were deprecated due to a lack of usage.


  • Timezone changes on a profile page applying properly now.

  • Safari caused behavior of the reminder creating functionality is fixed.


  • A vulnerability was eliminated

  • Fixed: reminder queue entries desappear

  • Minor fixes

A user can create a reminder from scratch with 5 minutes interval instead of the former 30 minutes interval.

A reminder creator is now displayed in the reminder view form.

More transparent permissions:

  • Only licensed users with access to Jira can receive reminders (check takes place during the dispatch attempt).

  • Any licensed Jira user can create personal reminders for themselves.

  • The reminder creator can manage and delete the reminder.

  • The reminder assignee (personal or as a part of a group) can browse the reminder and its parameters.

Extra permissions such as browsing and managing reminders that are not directly related to the current user can be granted in addition.

  • Minor improvements

Reminders creation and displaying now consider user time zone.


  • fixed a bug with calculating the sending date after a server restart.

  • formats for the start and end dates of reminders, as well as the reminder and placeholders lines are now converted to the same view and depend on the same setting:

  • Moving a row of buttons in a section is now indented

  • The plugin section no longer uses its own scroll bar, and is a single block accessible at full height

  • Long messages are truncated with ellipsis. There is a problem with cutting the mailing list, it will be fixed later.

  • Fixed a bug with the impossibility of entering zero from the central keyboard in the "every" field

  • Fixed a bug when reminders for all users were visible in the gadget

  • Column "Creator" remove from gadget/created by me

  • fixed bug with saving reminders after editing in Firefox

  • Reworked buttons that depend on the right to edit other people's reminders.

  • Added a scroll bar to help create reminders on low screens.

  • Checkboxes for setting the repeating are now radio buttons 

  • The repeatability-settings radio buttons that looked like checkboxes now look like radio buttons.

  • The broken highlighting of the reminder line has been removed.

  • Fixed an infinite loading bug in My Reminders and the gadget when waiting for a long time

  • Reminder mailing list avatars are now loaded whenever the list is opened

  • Increased connection security

    • HSTS included

    • TLS version 1.2 is now used

  • Fixed vulnerabilities

Fixed bugs

  • My Reminders -> "Created for me": "To" column now displays all recipients of the reminder.

  • Bug with some reminders not being sent was fixed.

  • User access token expiration while Reminder using was fixed.

  • Ability to edit periodic reminders in case if at least one of them it has been already sent was added.

  • Minor visual improvements. 


  • The lists of reminder queues now contain the next send date (sorting is available), the recurrence rules.

  • A reminder creator is now shown in queues, also the addressee icons are displayed for a better user experience.

  • Minor improvements.

  • The Subject field was deprecated with historical content been moved to the Message field. The notifications subject now uses the standard template: 🕒  Reminder for ISSUE_KEY ISSUE_SUMMARY

  • A new view of the Reminders section in an issue: the next send date, addressee icon, periodicity icon, message preview.


  • The yearly reminder is now available

  • Now users can create reminders not only for every day/week/month but also create reminders for "Every N" days/weeks/months/years, so creating periodic reminders becomes more flexible.


  • Notifications for periodic reminders now contain the information about the next sending. In case this was the last reminder it would also be mentioned.


Fixed bugs

  • The problem with periodic reminders without till date not being sent was fixed.

  • Bug with the "My Reminders" section after the deletion of the issue with a reminder was fixed.


  1. New permissions.

  2. Ability to create reminders for groups(s).

  3. New section "Created by me for others".

  4. Bug fixes.

Dear customers,
Thank you for your interest in your App. We kindly inform you that since December 23, 2019, Reminder for Jira Cloud would become paid for new users; however, existing customers continue to use it for free for 90 days after changes. We are working hard to make it better for you.

Thank you!


  1. Permissions to create reminders.

  2. My reminders section.

  3. Dashboard gadget with My Reminders.

  4. Bug fixes.

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