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Attribute Types & Their Characteristics

There are several predefined types of attributes.

Standard Attributes


Description: A free-format text field. Single-line, up to 255 characters.

Sorting: alphabetical

Filtering: contains


Description: A free-format text field. Multi-line, no limitations by the number of characters.

Sorting: alphabetical

Filtering: contains


Description: An attribute to store a number (float, positive/negative values are available and depend on settings). The attribute has the validation of the input.

Sorting: alphabetical

Filtering: contains


Description: An attribute to store a email with the mailto: prefix that allows creating a email with one click. The attribute has the validation of the input.

Sorting: numerical

Filtering: contains


Description: An attribute to select a date from the calendar.

Sorting: by absolute time

Filtering: contains


Description: An attribute to store a URL. The attribute has the 'no spaces' validation of the input and clickable within the grid.

Sorting: alphabetical

Filtering: contains


Description: An attribute to specify the presence or absence of a particular parameter or compliance with a particular requirement that works as a True/False mechanism.

Sorting: alphabetical (True/False)

Filtering:contains (considering the True/False options)

List of Values

Description: An attribute that allows users to select a single option from a dropdown list to complete the field.

Sorting: alphabetical

Filtering: contains (multi-select from values)

Jira User

Description: An attribute that allows a user to link an entry with one or multiple Jira users.

Sorting: alphabetical (by first value)

Filtering: contains


Description: An attribute that allows a user to link an entry with one or multiple Jira user groups.

Sorting: –

Filtering: contains (multi-select from values)


Directories Object

Description: Gives users the ability to make selections from another directory. Read more: Interlink Directories Entries

Sorting: unavailable

Filtering: contains (multi-select from values)

Linked Directories Entries

Table view

Total entries count view

Description: This read-only attribute allows users to browse the linked Directories objects within an entry. Read more: Interlink Directories Entries

Sorting: –

Filtering: –

Linked Issues

Table view

Total issue count view

Description: This read-only attribute allows users to browse the linked Jira issues of the current object. Read more: Link Issues And Directories Objects

Sorting: –

Filtering: –


  • Linked via (fields) – select the custom fields of the Directories Select (Single) type to filter the linked issues by links made via these fields. Leave empty to display the issues linked via any custom field of the Directories Select type.

  • Additional Filter (JQL) – filter the linked issues by any parameter, such as type, status, etc.

  • Display as – select a view of linked issue displaying. Two view modes are available: Table view and Total issue count view.

  • Issues per page – this parameter defines the pagination rules in the case of the Table view.

  • Columns to display – this parameter defines which fields will be displayed as columns in the case of the Table view. If left empty, the following fields will be displayed: KeySummaryStatus.

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