User's Guide
Filters & Subscriptions Management
Navigate to the Subscriptions section by clicking the profile icon in the upper menu – the grid with five tabs will be displayed.
The grid contains information about saved filters and subscriptions to these filters distributed between the following five tabs:
All filters
All subscriptions
All filters with invalid JQL
All objects with inactive owner
Duplicates filters

All filters
The tab contains the list of your filters with the following information available for each entry:
Filter name
Filter owner (you)
Filter sharing info
Here you can easily edit your filters, for example, specify the different filter owner.

All subscriptions
The tab contains the list of your subscriptions with the following information is available for each entry:
Filter name
Filter owner
Subscription schedule
At this tab you can check why are you subscribed to the particular filter: is it your personal subscription or your group's subscription.
This is the only place you can browse the subscriptions you are subscribed to in a part of user group (for example if the whole departments is subscribed for the filter).

All filters with invalid JQL
The tab contains the list of your invalid filters with the following information is available for each entry:
Filter name
Filter owner (you)
Warnings – the reason why the filter is invalid.
Find all filters that don't work for a reason and check this reason. The typical reason of filter invalidity is that a field the filter depended on was deleted. Change the JQL or delete the filter.

All objects with inactive owner
The tab contains the list of your subscriptions on those filters, whose owners don't have access to Jira anymore. The following information is available for each entry:
Filter name
Filter owner
Subscriber (you)
Subscription schedule

Duplicates filters
The tab contains the list of your filters with their duplicates. The duplicative filters returns the same information no matter who uses it. They don't contain queries like "Reporter = CURENT USER" or other that may the filters work differently depending on conditions.
Go to the filter by clicking it name – you will see the results and be able to check the JQL in a new tab.
Note that the duplicative filters search schedule should be set up by Jira Administrator at first.

Actions available for the filters and subscriptions
The app provides a user ability to perform different actions to your filters subscriptions. If you are going to delete or manage your filters ensure the users subscribed to them were acknowledged in advance. Each tab (excluding the Duplicates filters one) allows user to perform the different kind of actions to the tab entries.
Filter validation
Check if the filter query is valid by selection the Validate option in the entry action menu.
Following are the examples of validation results (for valid and invalid filters). For a valid filter you will see the pop-up that disappears automatically. For an invalid filter you will see the pop-up with the message describing the reason of the filter invalidity. Such message won't disappear automatically to allow you to investigate the problem.
Subscription management
Go to the filter subscriptions by selection the Manage option in the entry action menu.
You will be redirected to the page containing your subscription and will be able to add a subscription, manage the existing ones and/or delete them.

Filter name and owner editing
Change the filter name and/or owner by selection the Edit option in the entry action menu.
This option may be useful when you want to create a filter for someone else.

Filters and subscriptions deleting
Delete your filter / subscription (depends on the selected entry) by selecting the Delete option in the entry action menu.
When deleting a filter the relevant subscriptions will be deleted automatically, so check the subscriptions first by selection the Manage option.

Mass deletion
The mass deletion is available both for filters and subscriptions. Tick the checkboxes for the entries you'd like to delete and select the Delete selected option in the right upper menu. You can select all page entries at once by ticking the upper panel checkbox.
When deleting a filter the relevant subscriptions will be deleted automatically – check the subscriptions first by selection the Manage option.