Release Notes
Optimized filters management:
A user can now browse the boards based on a particular filter.
A user can now check if a filter was added to favorites by any of the active Jira users.
+ extra check for the related entities on the deletion attempt:
Favorite column fix.
Jira 9.0 compatibility.
Minor improvement: icon update.
Jira 9.3 compatibility.
Minor security improvement.
The functionality of duplicate filters search was improved:
Starting from this version the app remembers the duplicates search service settings and does not reset them to default upon updates and app reactivating.
The search for filters' results is now slower (~2 times) to lower the CPU load. It's still highly recommended to set the service to work during the minimal Jira usage time (for instance, at night).
The service is now directly pointed on from the admin section with the latest date of the update being specified.
The search algorithm was optimized.
New features
Ability to search the particular piece of JQL within filters and subscriptions (available in Admin section only).
The app's performance was improved for the great number of existing filters.
Filters with warnings ('the value XX does not exist...') are now included in the list of filters with invalid JQL.
Error in plugin administration section was fixed.
Jira 8.11 compatibility added
Link to subscriptions management page was fixed and now works correctly for all Jira 8 minor versions.
The number of available trial periods for the app was set to default.
Bug with subscription's sections not loading on Jira with Oracle DB was fixed.
Minor visual improvements.
New features
Admin is now able to manage not only All Subscriptions but also the following:
the All filters information available at the separate tab
the All filters with invalid JQL information available at the separate tab
the All Objects with Inactive Owner information available at the separate tab
the Duplicates filters information available at the separate tab
A user is now can manage their own filters and subscriptions within new (similar to the admin's one) section
New section design
Ability to bulk delete of the filters and subscriptions
Ability to reset all filters in the Subscriptions section
Ability to search (a user or a group) in the Subscriber column
Action buttons were changed to the selector
A pop-up with a link to a user profile was added
Fixed Bugs
access to the subscriptions for unauthorized users was restricted
search by the Subscriber column is fixed
pop-up closing by single "OK" click is fixed
the upper panel layout is fixed
admin ability to manage the other users' subscriptions is fixed
minor bugs fixed
Fixed Bugs
bug with admin menu duplication in Jira SD was fixed
minor visual improvements
Initial release
Compatibility release
Logo update, minor bugfixes
Minor bugfixes