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Reminder Overview

The Reminder app allows regular Jira users to set reminders from any JIRA page – an issue, a dashboard, a settings page. You will get a notification with a link to a Jia entity and an optional message from Jira on the specified date and time.

 Before creating a reminder please make sure that the user's Time zone in profile and in PC are the same.

What kinds of reminders exist?

As for an addressee, there are the following:

  • personal

  • group (addressed to all group members)

As fo periodicity, there are:

  • single-time

  • and periodical reminders

As for reminder object, there are:

  • issue reminders

  • and any-Jira-page reminders 

As for reminder privacy, there are:

  • normal reminders

  • private reminders (which can be seen only by participants and admin regardless of permissions)

Basically, any kind of reminder sends you the link to a page it was created for and an optional message.

Who can create and manage reminders?

Permissions of creating, browsing and managing reminders are set up by the Jira Administrator (check the Administrator's Guide).

Note that regardless of the settings any user can manage and delete their personal reminders and the reminders created by themselves.

Where can I check my reminders?

There is a special section where you can browse all your upcoming reminders. Also, the issue-related reminders are available for you within the special section in the issue view.

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