Reminder for Jira DC
Create reminders – single-time or recurrent, conditional or not, for groups or particular users – for any issue or Jira page. Compatible with a number of apps! Manage the reminders in a convenient section. As a Jira admin, manage all the reminders in one place.
Create a reminder for any page in Jira. Create a new reminder from an issue via the special section or use a hotkey to create a reminder from any page. Specify the message, time and periodicity (if required)
Browse and manage your reminders is one place. Use the 'My Reminders' menu to browse and manage reminders created by you and for you.
Admin: manage all reminders in one list. Let your Jira Admin browse the queues of reminders and the reminders archive within the special section.
Consider time zones. A user will see the reminder dispatch date in accordance with their account time zone.