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Admin’s settings

As Jira admin you can do the following:

  • manage reminders permissions;

  • access and manage the list of reminders of all users in the Reminders administration menu;

  • create reminders like a regular user (check the Users Guide).

App Permissions

To ensure the proper functioning of the plugin, it is essential to grant the global Browse users and groups permission.

Navigate to Jira Settings ⇒ System ⇒ Global Permissions and ensure that the group atlassian-addons-admin has the permission to Browse users and groups:

To manage the app permissions:

  1. Go to Jira Settings ⇒ Apps ⇒ Reminder ⇒ Permissions.

  2. Select the groups of users that should be able to perform the particular action.

Reminders List Management

The Reminders list is divided into three tabs:

  • "Created for me": This tab contains all future reminders created by any system user. Once a reminder has been triggered, it is removed from the tab. As a Jira Administrator, you can view the details of the reminders and delete queued reminders.

  • "Created for me (archive)": This tab contains all the reminders that have already been sent.

  • "Created by me for others": This tab contains the reminders that you have created for other users or groups of users.

Outgoing Notifications Settings

Reminder uses the standard Jira outgoing notifications mail server (.../secure/admin/OutgoingMailServers.jspa). Ensure the outgoing mail is enabled to be able to send reminders.

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