Editing Issues in HelpDesk
Who can edit issues via HelpDesk?
A customer can edit issues available to them in HelpDesk if they have the relevant project permissions (Edit Issues).
Fields available for editing in HelpDesk
Fields available on the Edit screen in HelpDesk depend on the Request Type field value is selected for the issue. If the issue doesn't have its Request Type specified, the Displaying Issues rules will be applied.
There are two variants:
show all of the issue edit screen fields to a customer
show some of the issue edit screen fields to a customer
Edit screen fields can be set up per a request type in HelpDesk Settings → Customer Area → Portals → portal → Requests:

Restrictions and limitations
The following issue information cannot be edited via HelpDesk:
Issue links
Note that some fields may require specific permissions (i. e. Due Date require the Schedule Issues project permissions)
Custom fields provided by other apps may behave incorrectly in HelpDesk.