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Calendar Sections

There are several sections where you find calendars:

  • Global Calendar Section

  • Project Calendar Section

  • Issue Calendar Section

  • Calendar for Jira Service Desk Customers

They have the same concept of displaying and planning issues but slightly different content, functionality and settings.


There are global permissions that define which user groups can use the Calendar functionality. If you cannot access Calendar contact your Jira administrator.

Read more: Calendar Global Permissions


Along with putting issues from the Unplanned section to the calendar grid, you can use other planning methods such as:

  • add a new issue directly from the calendar

  • put the existing issue on a particular calendar place via search

  • drag-and-drop an issue or stretch the issue timeframes within the calendar

  • drop the dates by removing an issue from the calendar

Planning options may differ according to a particular section using as well as the user project permissions.

Read more: Planning

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