Administrator's Guide
After app installation push the Configure button to access the settings.
The app provides the following settings:

All of the following markings work:
in the following dashboard widgets:
filter results
watched issues
assigned to me
in the issue navigator
in the queues (Service Desk)
Overdue issues font marking red
Mark issues with the expired due date - if checked the Due Date field will be considered as pivotal.
Mark issues with the expired custom field - allows you to select custom field of Date/ Date-time Picker type to be considered as pivotal.

Unread issues font marking bold
By default, all unread issues are marked with bold font type.
The following issues assumed to be unread:
a new issue
an issue where a comment was added since the last being opened by the current user
an issue where a comment was edited since the last being opened by the current user
JQL-corresponding issue key area color-highlighting
You can make the issue key area colored if the issue corresponds to a JQL-query. Set as many queries as you need and sort them manually. In case one issue corresponds to the several queries, the color setting relevant to the first one corresponding query will be applied.