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Use Cases & Ideas

As Universal Directories doesn't tie you to particular directories and card parameters, you can store almost any type of information in it. There are some typical examples the app can be used for.

HR (Human Resources) Database

Store and structure the common HR data such as employee info, job titles, departments, locations, skills and others. Link information to be able to retrieve the particular data of interest. Use the powerful filtration to create a complex selection. Combine with the Jira Human Resources template for a more clear vision of the onboarding process.

Answer questions like:

  • Who of the employees from the IT department has a particular skill?

  • How many developers were hired from the start of this year?

  • Which certificates are going to expire in the next two months?

CRM (Customer Relationship Management)

Even if you don't contact your customers via Jira, you still might need to keep some CRM info and link it with your Jira activities. Create a directory of customers, contacts, communications, products, interlink them as you need and enjoy the structured and always up-to-date information! Combine with the Jira template for the salesteams for more efficiency.

Answer questions like:

  • How many sales did we win with particular clients?

  • Which customer lacks a curator from our side?

  • How many new leads do we have since the start of this year?

  • Who missed the particular presentation?

Assets & Objects Management

Store your assets with their links, add an asset to an issue and browse the relevant statistics. Great in combination with the HR solution!

Test-Cases Management

Universal Directories was not specially designed for that case, but why not? Extend Issues with structured test-cases:

Found a new cool use case? Let us know so we could improve the app for it!

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