SLA & OLA JQL-functions
SLA JQL-functions
SLA is not defined (or opposite)
Syntax | slaDefinedIssues('your_customfield_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk SLA |
Examples |
SLA time is counting down (or opposite)
Syntax | slaIsWorkingNow('your_customfield_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk SLA |
Examples |

SLA was breached
Syntax | crmSLAOverdudedIssues('your_customfield_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk SLA |
Examples |

A particular percentage of SLA time was spent
Syntax | crmSLAProgressIssues('operator_&_percentage', 'your_customfield_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk SLA |
Examples |
A particular SLA remaining time
Syntax | slaRemainingTime('operator_&time', 'your_customfield_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk SLA |
Examples |

A particular SLA Level is applied
Syntax | hdSLAByLevelIssues('your_customfield_name', 'SLA_level_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk SLA |
Examples |

SLA Due Date is in a particular date-time interval
Syntax | hdSLAByDatePeriodIssues('dd.MM.yy hh:mm', 'dd.MM.yy hh:mm', 'your_customfield_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk SLA |
Examples |

OLA JQL-Functions
Current team OLA is not defined (or opposite)
Syntax | olaDefinedIssues('your_customfield_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk OLA |
Examples |

Current team OLA is breached
Searching for issues the required team is working with and the OLA of this team is breached
Syntax | olaOverdudedIssues('your_customfield_name', 'your_team_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk OLA |
Examples |
A particular current team OLA remaining time
Searching for issues the required team is working with and the OLA remaining time is as specified
Syntax | olaRemainingTime('operator_&_time', 'your_customfield_name', 'your_team_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk OLA |
Examples |
A particular current team percentage of OLA is remaining
Searching for issues the required team is working with and the OLA remaining time is as specified
Syntax | olaProgressIssues('operator_&_percentage', 'your_customfield_name', 'your_team_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk OLA |
Examples |
Current team OLA Due Date is in a particular date-time interval
Syntax | olaByDatePeriodIssues('dd.MM.yy hh:mm', 'dd.MM.yy hh:mm', 'your_customfield_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk OLA |
Examples |
Current team OLA time is counting down (or opposite)
Syntax | olaIsWorkingNow('your_customfield_name', 'your_team_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk OLA |
Examples |
A particular OLA Level is applied
Syntax | olaByLevelIssues('your_customfield_name', 'OLA_level_name', 'your_team_name') |
Supported Fields | HelpDesk OLA |
Examples |