Create Related Issues
HelpDesk adds to JIRA Issue interface the Create related issue option that allows a user to create a related issue that will be automatically linked with the original one by the predefined link type and contain some information from the original issue. This option has been made for the agents (but not only for them) who need to pass the client's needs to the development team by creating the linked issues.
The function emulates manual populating of values on the linked issue creation screen.
Note that values of the fields that are auto-populated (like scripted or read-only fields) won't be copied as manual populating is not available for them. Also, if a field or a field option is not available for the target issue it won't be copied.

How to Use
If set up, the HelpDesk allows you to use the Create related issue option to create a linked issue according to the predefined rules. You will see the Create related issue link in your issue actions (More).
The particular field information to be copied from the original issue and the new issue will be linked to the original one with the predefined link type.
The extra options include:
ability to select if the original issue attachments should be copied;
ability to select (highlight) a part of the original description to make it the related issue description (only works if the description field auto-copying hasn't been set up).

Setting Up
Navigate to Jira Administration → HelpDesk → Related Issue and set:
who can use the functionality
which type of links will be set for different combinations
On the example below, only jira-administrators will see the Create related issue button. In case of creating a bug from an issue in the Apps Support project, the initial issue will be marked as blocked by this bug.

You can also select which fields should be copied to the related issue creation screen.
The following types of field are available for copying:
Due Date
Description (don't select this field if you want to allow users to create the related issue upon a part of description they may highlight manually)
Affects Version/s
Fix Version/s
User picker
Select list
Date/time picker
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CRM Contact
CRM Product
CRM Directory