Epic Timesheets for Jira DC
This tiny app allows you to control that the epic time does not exceed the estimated limit. There are two variants of usage (an option can be selected per project):
There is a static amount of time you need to spend. But the amount of work is vague, unestimated, or even unknown in advance. Just set the estimates in Epic and spend it within issues. We called this logic "distributive", and it's great for "time&material" type of works.
Your epic estimate is the summed-up estimates of the included issues. Set estimates for each issue and manage the scope of tasks to update the overall Epic estimate. This variant is convenient for works planning and is called "cumulative".


Control accurately your time limits: aggregate the logged work time from the Epic's child issues
If you are required to spend no more than 5 working days for the epic and you are not sure about one extra task to be included in the scope – check the epic remaining time. You can be sure: not a tiniest sub-task logged time passed uncounted.
Just include the relevant issues in the Epic and get their logged work time aggregated to the Epic Time Spent field. The Epic Remaining field will automatically show how much time is left for the Epic.

Take into account epic's estimation: Browse the Epic's estimated and remaining time within any issue
Should you hurry up or you have enough time for your task? See how much time the epic allows you to spend (there are no restrictions, it's just nice to know). Each work log entry will update this information for all your coworkers making time control much easier.
Ensure that your issue has a parent Epic issue and get the Epic Estimate and other EpicTime fields information auto-populated.

Reveal the problems using JQL: Create a JQL filter to browse the issues with specific Epic Ratio
Do you want to find all issues in progress which epic's estimated time overrun, or you need a report of all closed epics that were estimated not precisely enough? The EpicTime app will help you always to take them under control.
Find all issues with the specific Epic Ratio field value. Just specify the percentage as an integer number within the JQL to see the list of all matching issues.
More Details
EpicTime is an application for Jira Server, that provides a user the following custom fields:
Epic Estimate – estimated Epic time – cumulative or distributive (according to the project settings); for your convenience, this standard parameter is displayed not only within Epic entry but also in all child issues.
Epic Time Spent – logged time of the Epic, summing up the work logs of the Epic itself and the work logs of the Epic's child issues.
Epic Remaining – remaining (or overrun) time of the Epic.
Epic Ratio – the percentage of spent time to the Epic estimated time.
Epic Key – the issue key of the Epic (link to the Epic).
Just include your issue to an Epic to get the information from this Epic and also to make the issue's logged time included to the Epic's spent time.