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Search Issues (CRM Fields & Functions)

Search Issues By CRM Fields

To find issues with certain Company\Contact fields values in Issue Navigator use the basic or the advanced search mode as usual.

To find the issues where CRM Company is not selected, use the following query:

Fieldname = 'Not defined'

CRM JQL Functions for Advanced Search 

The following functions can be used in the Advanced Search of issues.

JQL Function


issue in MentionedIn("Deals", "project = 'CRM' ")

To find the issues selected in a particular field of the CRM Issue Picker type and having the particular parameters.

issue in issueHasProduct("Confluence")

To find the issues where a particular product is selected in the CRM Products&Services field.

issue in issuesByField("CRM Company", "project =Sales")

To find the issues where a CRM Company, selected in a field of the CRM Company type doesn't have issues with particular parameters.

⚠ For the functions below, CRM Contacts to Jira Users synchronization should be enabled.

Reporter in CurrentUserCompany()

To find the issues where a User Picker contains users from the same CRM company as the one performing the search.

Reporter in CurrentUserHolding()

To find the issues where a User Picker contains users from the same CRM company or from parent/child companies as the user performing the search.

issue in ReporterFrom("fieldname")

To find the issues where the Reporter relates to the CRM company specified in the particular field of the CRM Company type.

issue in CurrentUserCompanyField("fieldname")

To find the issues where a specified field of the CRM Company type contains the same CRM company as the user's who is performing the search. 

issue in CurrentUserHoldingIssues("fieldname")

To find all issues where a specified field of the CRM Company type contains the same CRM company as the user's who is performing the search OR a parent/child company.

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