Contacts (Full List)
Navigate to Apps → CRM → Contacts to access the full list of Contacts. Here is a quick view of contacts that are displayed as a table. Click on a contact to open its card and browse all parameters.
Your Jira administrator can set up extra parameters and change the card structure.
Manage an Entry
Hover an entry to access the menu (or open the card by clicking on its name). The menu also allows you to copy the direct link to a card.
Manage Grid Columns
You can select which columns should be displayed in the grid:
You can use one or more filters to display and select particular entries from the grid:
Bulk Operations
Tick checkboxes for the entries you'd like to delete:
If a contact is synchronized with a Jira user or a customer, you cannot delete such contact.
Note that the actions leading to the Contact custom field options recalculating may take up to several minutes if the option was selected in many issues:
renaming a contact
deleting a contact