Main Settings
Along with a calendar name, the creator must select the calendar scope – define which issues should be visible within the calendar.
You can select all issues of a project, issues complying with a saved filter, or issues meeting the JQL-query.

Start & End Fields
This setting defines which issue fields must be taken as timeframes. You can base a calendar on dates or on dates-time.

Fields available in this setting are system and custom Date Pickers and Date Time Pickers. A Jira Admin can create new fields for your needs if required. Besides, Jira Admin can add the fields to issues so users will be able not only to drag issues within the calendar grid but also select dates manually in issues.
Calendar Layout
Default view – the default mode for the calendar.
Show time – time frames for the Day modes
Available modes – select the views that will be available for the calendar (a user will be able to switch between the modes within the calendar)
First day of the week – define the first ay of the Week modes
Hide days – select the days of the week that shouldn't be displayed in the calendar.
Allow non-Jira events – check if a user should b able to create calendar entries other than issues.
Show My reminders – check if a user should be able to browse their reminders (the Reminder for Jira app) within the calendar.
Year view columns count – select how many months should be displayed within one line of the Year mode.
Event Layout

View Avatar – displaying the avatar on issues panels calendar.
View full name – displaying the username on issues panels calendar.
Choose issue user to show details – a user-picker icon to be displayed.
Show custom fields in calendar events – the fields to be displayed for event view.
Show custom fields in calendar events legend – the fields to be displayed for event details view.
Use All day section to show issues planned on some full-time days - If checked issues that have the time 00:00-23:59 or from workday beginning to the workday ending (see Show Time setting at Calendar layout) are shown as for whole day tasks in Week view "All-day" upper part of calendar. Other issues are shown in the time grid below.
Show time in calendar events - If checked the start time and finish time of the issue are shown in the calendar view.
Original estimate should not be changed - If checked the changes of the issue's duration in the Calendar will not affect the issue's Original estimate. When unchecked original estimate changes accordingly to issue duration.
Time format - Select 12 or 24 hours time format.
Group by - Select grouping by the assignee and starting with 1.6.0 version by User Select (Single) type field or no grouping in Timeline Viewer Day view. Only the assignees for the chosen period will be shown if none of the groups are defined.
JIRA groups to limit "Group by" items - Choose groups of users to be shown in Timeline View or Day view with "Group by" enabled.
Groups which users can edit issues on the calendar - Only users of listed groups can edit issues on the calendar (move, expand, shrink) according to the user's project permissions. If no group is selected any user can edit issues according to their project/issue permissions.