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Agile Filters for Jira DC


About Agile Filters

The app provides handy filters for Jira Software Kanban Boards

App Overview

Improve your current filtering method or simply create your own custom filters. Agile filters for Jira provide your JIRA Software boards with useful filters that help you navigating and searching for issues.

Why Agile Filters?

  • A simple and powerful tool 

  • Advanced searching method 

  • Easy to install and configure

  • Developed and supported by Atlassian Verified Platinum partner.

Benefits & Features

  • Find anything and anyone. You can search among users, groups, issues, projects and much more.

  • Filter by multiple parameters.

  • Adjust filters separately for any board in a project. 

  • Custom Fields support*.

  • Fully compatible with our other apps. You can find data from CRMHelpdesk, Catalog

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